Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A Los Angeles Faux Pas

A Los Angeles Faux Pas

Los Angeles is known for its extravagance and lavish lifestyle. When one has to pay for parking everyday, and a parking ticket has to be validated when a person just park on a store would support the fact that space in L.A. is expensive. This can be manifested by skyrocketing real estates in Brentwood, Inglewood, and Sherman Oaks etc. (adjacent to West LA). Hence, LA seems to support the subculture of extravagance and a lavish lifestyle.

In LA, there seems to be an unwritten rule that one must have a lavish life. A budget of $6 a day for a meal is laughable. $6 is not even enough for parking .Some people consider budgeting as an anti-social act. This is Los Angeles, land of the rich and home of the pricey.

Arguably, I am a Los Angeles Faux Pas. I am a very frugal person (confirm this with my classmates in UST). Maybe it is not environmental because my siblings are in the opposite. At work, I bring food that I brought from Costco and I would promise that I would never buy anything from the cafeteria. The items are exorbitant.

My friend, Patricia, advises me not to be cheap (monetarily) when it comes to dating. However, frugality seems to run in my veins. I would even go to the lengths of using discount coupons just to save on a date. (This might explain: I rarely date which might amount to never). People can say I am a social blunder in LA because of my frugality. Nevertheless, I am proud to be a Los Angeles Faux Pas.

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