Sunday, January 21, 2007

Sneaky Enterprise

Sneaky Enterprise

I usually listen to podcasts on my way to work. I came across a podcast from “Studio 360.” The topic was about American Icons. During that week, Superman, as an icon was the feature. Most parts of the show talked about the origins of Superman. There was even a segment where Superman is compared to the Exodus. Exodus is a chapter in the bible where baby Moses was escaping and let sail through the river by a crib made of leaves. The comparison with Superman was Kal-El (Superman’s native name in Krypton) escaped through Krypton by a high tech crib that blasted on Smallville.

One remarkable part of the show was how the lives of Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster were manipulated by greedy businessmen in D.C. Comics. Siegel and Schuster created Superman. A biographer said that Superman was the consummation of their personalities. They were described as pop culture geeks during their teenage years. All they really have was their imagination during their adolescent years.

Jerry Siegel’s father died because of a shooting. The powers of Superman being indestructible by anything, even by bullets, are relatable in Siegel’s way of working through the pain of his father’s death. The adventures of Superman seem to be the creator’s way of saying if they only knew that we have more potential than this.

Siegel and Schuster sold the rights of Superman to D.C. comics for $10 a page, $130 total. Today, the market value would be around $2,000. The creators were so idealistic, and all they wanted to do was to tell and illustrate the stories of Superman. Little do they know that Superman will be a legendary icon?

During the 1950s, Siegel and Schuster tried to sue for ownership of Superman. They lost.

The Richard Donner film Superman in 1978 grossed $134218018. During that time, Siegel was working as a file clerk. It seems ironic that the Superman creators are living in the poverty, while greedy businessmen are reaping the benefits of their creation. Siegel and Schuster led the lives of artistry and idealism, only to be spoiled and exploited by moguls and conglomerates.

Perhaps, this is the side of the story that the media would not like the Smallville generations to dwell or know. This is the side where businesses get dirty, wherein exploitation and misuse of power are common societal and business creed. Joe Schuster died in 1992. Jerry Siegel died in 1996.

Boxoffice Mojo said that the total gross of Superman Returns: $200081192.

Work Cited:

Jewish Virtual Library

Boxoffice Mojo

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Borderless Boredom

Borderless Boredom

I heard on the radio about theatrical plays. For instance, there is a 14-day run of a certain play. A performer should act the same way with the same feelings like the first night for the 14 consecutive days. I say to myself that this is a hard job.

After some rumination, I came to the conclusion that repetition robs the enthusiasm. One cannot promise to deliver the same emotions if the same lines are delivered for 14 consecutive nights. Looking forward, one can ague that this can be applicable also for people having jobs.

One veteran nurse told me that after 3 years, you will find nursing as the same old routine. The phrase: “Same script, different cast,” would beckon everyday as you do medication administration and clinical nursing care. When repetition robs the enthusiasm, an RN may not be fascinated with the science of nursing. He will only be fascinated with the monetary remuneration of the job.

Bertrand Russell justifies: “Boredom is a vital problem of the moralist, since at least half the sins of mankind are caused by the fear of it.” Arguably, this quotation may be very applicable and a hurtful truth about humanity. Boredom because of repetition may bring an employee to an unfortunate scenario: absenteeism, harsh novelty and mindless adventures.

When I was taking a boring subject back in school (although I am back to school again as of press time), people say that boring subjects/class tests character. In the near future, one might have a repetitive job and he would look back to the boring class he had. Right there, an epiphany would occur and say that most things are on relative degrees and coping with boredom can be the best solution.

As working professionals, they are all learning the ropes. An unfortunate consequence about learning is repetitive routine. Hence, when one finds himself on a boring situation, just look back on the boring class one took, and try to remember how he survive such class.