Thursday, July 09, 2009

Dreams and Needs

Dreams and Needs

Some may have moments of utter desperation. When someone is in need of a problem's solution, and the solution is as elusive as the current volatile global market, one may resolve into unexpecred circumstances. There maybe some things that one may lament. For instance, the current economy shed 467,000 jobs this June. This resulted to unemployment rise to 9.5% (Associated Press). This seems to be a disappointing scenario.

This writer recently obtained a house. This writer does not want to delve with this is the fulfillment of the “American Dream.” One must not engage in the propagandistic and commercialistic deeds of greedy realtors and investors. The hasty pursuit of this dream is what put the nation, and the world even, in this long term economic mess. Three years ago, some even called owning a home as “the American dream on steroids.” As it turns out, one may say that this type of dream seems to be corruptible.

This writer obtained a home because of needs. As Abraham Maslow contends, obtaining a house is a safety need. It is in the second level of the pyramid, and such may deem the matter necessary. Moreover, the American Dream is a cliché, and this writer shuns away from cliches.

In this regard, there are many things this writer has to be grateful: supportive family, a job, friends, a house-- are things too few to mention.


It seems to be ironic how the corporate media hero-ify a person they previously condemn and vilify. Rest in peace- Michael Jackson.