Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Plunking Priorities

Most people, specifically women, seem to have bizarre priorities nowadays. They seem to desire things such as cosmetic surgeries, fancy cars, diamonds, purses and any other similar items. It seems that these items define womanhood, and without such items, their lives will be empty. This seems to be the virtue of materialism. One can relatively blame it to shows such as Sex in the City, where, one of the many central themes of this series is to acquire and possess, be it men and/or materials. Arguably, this is how shallow priorities have become. All for the name of feminism.

One may surmise that a scene from Jack & Bobby episode, “A Man of Faith” communicates on how the culture of superficiality can dumb down women.

I still believe you were unfair to me that day. You judged me superficially. You look at me, and you see an oppressed Muslim woman, forced to cover her head by a misogynistic and backwards culture. That's what you meant; you see me as a victim. I don't think you see my choice in all of this...

You know, there are two girls in my hall who are anorexic, one has breasts implants, and two others are considering surgery either to their body or their face. All of them obsess over their weight and their clothes and their looks. This is what your culture does to women. It suggests ideals they'll never attain, and when they fail to attain them, tells them they're worthless. You talk about my conditioning, but what you don't understand is that I am a feminist, just like you, and this is part of that. This is me saying “no" to all of the ways your culture tries to exploit me. This is me saying “yes" to my religion, and my god, not "no" to being liberated. I am liberated. “

One may have change ideals, but one could hope that it would not be mindless beliefs that are ephemeral and transient.