Monday, October 10, 2005

Money Words

MONEY WORDS™ is a vocabulary program that was designed to help people strengthen their vocabularies. What follows are the 296 words that are covered in the audio program. Feel free to take these words from the website and make them your own. However, for a focus on pronunciation, and for the reinforcement many require when learning anything new (especially new words), purchase a copy of MONEY WORDS™ at your local college bookstore.

The following words are introduced in this program:

Poignant: keenly distressing to the feelings; keen or strong in mental appeal;
affecting or moving the emotions.
Synonyms: penetrating, moving, heartfelt, piquant, sharp.
Antonyms: mild, temperate, moderate, clement, bland.

Discombobulating: confusing or disconcerting; upsetting; frustrating.
Synonyms: discomposing, perplexing, bewildering,
abashing, discomfiting.
Antonyms: placid, serene, unruffled, collected,

Epiphany: a sudden intuitive perception; an insight into the reality or essential
meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or
commonplace occurrence or experience.
Synonyms: conception, notion, revelation, awakening,
Near Antonyms: disillusionment, disenchantment, mental
indolence, cognitive apathy, paralysis.

Unparalleled: not paralleled; unprecedented.
Synonyms: matchless, peerless, inimitable, unrivaled,
Antonyms: comparable, typical, equivalent, derivative,

Eschew: to abstain or keep away from; to avoid.
Synonyms: circumvent, boycott, forgo, shun, evade.
Antonyms: employ, invite, actuate, exploit, implement.

Ruminate: to chew the cud; to meditate or muse; to ponder.
Synonyms: deliberate, contemplate, meditate, ponder, cogitate.
Near Antonyms: deduce, conjecture, suppose, presume, speculate.

Expunge: to strike or blot out; to erase; to wipe out or destroy.
Synonyms: obliterate, efface, abrogate, countermand, rescind.
Antonyms: retain, safeguard, maintain, uphold, espouse.

Omnipotent: almighty or infinite in power; having very great or unlimited
authority or power.
Synonyms: supreme, sizeable, infinite, sovereign, puissant.
Antonyms: powerless, immobilized, toothless, indolent,

Lucid: easily understood; completely intelligible or comprehensible;
characterized by clear perception or understanding.
Synonyms: evident, sound, comprehensible, limpid, pellucid.
Antonyms: nebulous, obscure, irrational, dubious, veiled.

Conscious: aware of one’s own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings;
fully aware of or sensitive to something.
Synonyms: percipient, cognizant, aware, mindful, sentient.
Antonyms: oblivious, unaware, unsuspecting, unknowing,

Infer: to derive by reasoning; to conclude or judge from premises or evidence.
Synonyms: deduce, reason, speculate, surmise, gather.
Antonyms: intuit, assume, presuppose, presume, opine.

Assiduous: constant; constant in application or effort; working diligently at a
task; persevering.
Synonyms: continuous, tireless, persistent, studious, diligent.
Antonyms: inconstant, capricious, vacillating, mercurial,

Antiquated: resembling or adhering to the past; old-fashioned; no longer used.
Synonyms: obsolescent, archaic, bygone, dowdy, passé.
Antonyms: contemporary, modernistic, timely, newfangled,

Ambiguous: open to or having several possible meanings or interpretations; of
doubtful or uncertain nature; difficult to comprehend, distinguish,
or classify.
Synonyms: equivocal, cryptic, enigmatic, obscure, nebulous.
Antonyms: perspicuous, categorical, unequivocal, intelligible,

Altruistic: unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others.
Synonyms: benevolent, philanthropic, charitable, humanitarian,
Antonyms: egoistic, self-centered, self-absorbed, self-obsessed,

Malleable: capable of being extended or shaped by hammering or by pressure
from rollers; adaptable.
Synonyms: impressionable, tractable, pliable, ductile, supple.
Antonyms: intractable, refractory, headstrong, recalcitrant,

Defeatist: a person who surrenders easily.
Synonyms: doomsayer, killjoy, misanthrope, pessimist,
Antonyms: optimist, idealist, Pangloss, Pollyanna, enthusiast.

Bombastic: high-sounding, high-flown, or inflated—especially in relation to
speech and writing.
Synonyms: pompous, grandiloquent, pretentious, turgid,
Antonyms: humble, meek, unassuming, forbearing, modest.
The following three words are introduced in the audio program
when defining bombastic:
replete: filled with
polysyllabic: consisting of four or more syllables
satiating: satisfying

Incongruous: not harmonious in character; lacking harmony of parts;
Synonyms: discordant, incompatible, inharmonious,
discrepant, contradictory.
Antonyms: consonant, consistent, invariable, unfailing,

Lackadaisical: without interest, vigor, or determination; lazy.
Synonyms: languid, spiritless, apathetic, enervated,
Antonyms: vivacious, spirited, brisk, ardent, animated.

Sagacious: having or showing acute mental discernment and keen practical
Synonyms: discerning, wise, judicious, perspicacious, acute.
Antonyms: ignorant, nescient, benighted, primitive,

Ephemeral: lasting a very short time; short-lived; lasting but one day.
Synonyms: fleeting, evanescent, transient, momentary, fugitive.
Antonyms: invariable, changeless, immutable, permanent,

Prodigious: extraordinary in size, amount, extent, degree, or force.
Synonyms: immense, stupendous, Herculean, astounding,
Antonyms: bantam, petite, inconsequential, petty, infinitesimal.

Prodigal: wastefully or recklessly extravagant.
Synonyms: lavish, profligate, licentious, improvident, thriftless.
Antonyms: provident, economical, cautious, prudent, frugal.

Copious: large in quantity or number; having or yielding an abundant supply.
Synonyms: abundant, bountiful, ample, profuse, plethoric.
Antonyms: sparse, scarce, meager, exiguous, skimpy.

Absolve: to free from guilt or blame; to set free or release.
Synonyms: exculpate, acquit, exonerate, liberate, remit.
Antonyms: censure, denounce, denunciate, castigate, rebuke.

Verbose: characterized by the use of many or too many words; wordy.
Synonyms: chatty, loquacious, wordy, effusive, garrulous.
Antonyms: laconic, pithy, terse, succinct, concise.

Taken From: Professor McFaul's Website

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