Saturday, May 14, 2005

Why The Three Words?

Suppose, Contend, Differentiate: This weblog shall entail the application of the three words to any random topics the weblog's proponent shall desire.

Main Entry: sup·po·si·tion
Pronunciation: "s&-p&-'zi-sh&nFunction: nounEtymology: Middle English, from Late Latin supposition-, suppositio, from Latin, act of placing beneath, from supponere1 : something that is supposed : HYPOTHESIS2 : the act of supposing- sup·po·si·tion·al /-'zish-n&l, -'zi-sh&-n&l/ adjective

Main Entry: con·ten·tion
Pronunciation: k&n-'ten(t)-sh&nFunction: nounEtymology: Middle English contencioun, from Middle French, from Latin contention-, contentio, from contendere1 : an act or instance of contending2 : a point advanced or maintained in a debate or argument3 : RIVALRY, COMPETITIONsynonym see DISCORD

Main Entry: dif·fer·en·ti·ate
Pronunciation: "dif-&-'ren(t)-shE-"AtFunction: verbInflected Form(s): -at·ed; -at·ingtransitive senses1 : to obtain the mathematical derivative of2 : to mark or show a difference in : constitute a difference that distinguishes3 : to develop differential characteristics in4 : to cause differentiation of in the course of development5 : to express the specific distinguishing quality of : DISCRIMINATEintransitive senses1 : to recognize or give expression to a difference2 : to become distinct or different in character3 : to undergo differentiation- dif·fer·en·tia·bil·i·ty /-"ren(t)-sh(E-)&-'bi-l&-tE/ noun- dif·fer·en·tia·ble /-'ren(t)-sh(E-)&-b&l/ adjective

What is a Weblog (simply referred as a blog) ?
A weblog (usually shortened to blog, but occasionally spelled web log) is a web-based publication consisting primarily of periodic articles (normally in reverse chronological order). Although most early weblogs were manually updated, tools to automate the maintenance of such sites made them accessible to a much larger population, and the use of some sort of
browser-based software is now a typical aspect of "blogging".

Blogs range in scope from individual diaries to arms of
political campaigns, media programs, and corporations. They range in scale from the writings of one occasional author, to the collaboration of a large community of writers. Many weblogs enable visitors to leave public comments, which can lead to a community of readers centered around the blog; others are non-interactive. The totality of weblogs or blog-related websites is often called the blogosphere. When a large amount of activity, information and opinion erupts around a particular subject or controversy in the blogosphere, it is sometimes called a blogstorm or blog swarm.

Work Cited:
Word meanings from:
What is a blog? :

Disclaimers and Excuses:

The rantings, opinions, and views are constitutional based on the First Amendment. Therefore, it is reasonable to say that those views may only be categorized as intellectual calisthenics and nothing more. Accordingly, when a reader views and reads the contents of the site, the authors bears no legal responsibility whatsoever to the events transpiring or not transpiring due to the usage of the point of views. As I said, this is an exercise of the First Amendment and, if the prospective reader does not agree to the terms, it is IMPERATIVE to LEAVE this site immediately.
This blog aims to suppose, contend, and differentiate weekly to monthly encounters (mutable) of the author, trivial as it may be. Accordingly, R.W. Emerson's aphorism applies: "Good and bad are but names very readily transferable to that or this. The only right is what is after my constitution; the only wrong what is against it." Please see the footnote below.

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