The Slaughter of 46 million birds
So here comes the last Thursday for the month of November. Most people would go into a frenzy of cooking-dom, while most would pursue the generic grocery laden meals. The previous posts in this blog about the arguable “Native American Oppression Day still stands. The writer would not change his position about the lies that most history teachers told the student. Please refer to the James W. Loewen book should bloggers need to read this book.
One of the many aspects that people may look into is to how would the food industry be able to keep up with the demands to the culture of gluttony during this holiday season. raises some valid points that what people eat now during the holiday are part of the genetically modified food products. In July 2010, The National, Poplulation Of The United States Of America is 309, 059, 724. One can say that it could be more. So how would the food industry keep up with the food demand?
Nina Shen Rastogi and Michelle Tsai, columnists, reports:“Major commercial turkey brands, like Butterball, Hormel, and Cargill, produce two kinds of whole bird: frozen and fresh. Turkeys destined for the freezer are produced year-round—once these birds reach the proper size and weight, they're slaughtered and blast-frozen at minus 30 degrees Fahrenheit, at which point they can be stored all year in preparation for the holiday poultry frenzy.”
It is also interesting to know that Rastoji and Tsai estimates 46 million turkeys in America will be victims of this moveable feast. One can attribute the legalization of the massive and yearly turkey slaughter to Lincoln. By 1863, when Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday (Rastoji and Tsai , 2010), and turkeys took center stage to be the the star on the holiday dinner table.
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