Defend the Fan-boys
The sporadic blogger shares the same sentiments towards the notion that Apple Fan boys are similar to Obama supporters, in terms of close-mindedness. For instance, people already know about the Iphone 4 death grip. This term, as coined by the blogger community, pertains to a manner where one would hold the phone (specifically, left-handed people) and it would suddenly drop calls or lose its signal. One can thank the meticulous and solicitous marketing strategy of Apple, unsuspecting consumers already took some bites, and the phone is still a product some people desire.
One could also guess that Obama supporters are also products of meticulous marketing. For instance, during the week when Obama's approval rating hits record low, the mainstream media dabbled on newsworthy topics such as Lindsay Lohan trial and Lebron James team transfer. Such extended coverages to the two topics would indeed bespeak of the people's priority of major issues.
One may say that the two groups of people have similarities, and it seems that they are anastamosed for the right causes. People should give accolades to these to groups. They seem to declare close-mindedness as a “cheval-de-frise” to a cavalry of a more cognizant opinion.
▸ noun: defensive structure consisting of a movable obstacle composed of barbed wire or spikes attached to a wooden frame; used to obstruct cavalry
Source: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language