The swine flu pandemic would seem to be on the rise. Arguably, the 2009 fall season can be one of the worst seasons in the last few years. Moreover, the mass media, especially the local news would seem to tip the panic scale of the people: by sensationalizing reports of the shortage of the vaccine. The script would run: “With the vaccine running on short supply, parents scramble.. the risk are in children and pregnant women...” This type of reporting would seem to work in eliciting fear and mild panic.
October 11, 2009- According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of laboratory confirmed cases of pandemic influenza H1N1 2009, had around 400,000, and accounted for 4735 deaths. The mass media would capitalize on these deaths to paint and exaggerate a morbid reality.
One would say that this type of reporting can be one of the manifestations that Barry Glasner asserts: cultivating the culture of fear in America. Vaccines are important especially for the immuno-compromised and the fragile population: children, pregnant and the elderly. The Mass Media acknowledges that there is shortage in the vaccine, and purposely cultivates fear. Why don't they focus on patient education to reduce the risk of acquiring the flu? They should consult a features documentary on how to prevent the swine flu. Vaccination is one of the MANY methods to prevent transmission. The mass media may like to portray that vaccination is the only viable choice.
Lastly, Edgar Wallace - The Clue of the Twisted Candle (1916), asserts: “Fear is a tyrant and a despot, more terrible than the rack, more potent than the snake." It would seem that the snake caretakers are the morbid messengers of the mass media. One has to realize that vaccination is not the only way to prevent H1N1. I could have mentioned handwashing, eating a healthy diet, supplements for the immune system and the like. The people are not out of options as the major networks would like to portray as such.